
About Us

Grumpy Dogs Gaming is more than just a gaming group; we’re a close-knit community of friends who share a passion for gaming. Whether you’re a casual player, a competitive enthusiast, or someone who just loves to have fun with like-minded individuals, you’ll find a welcoming home among the Grumpy Dogs.

Our Gaming Community

Our gaming group was founded by a group of friends who, like many gamers, were brought together by their shared love for video games. We’ve expanded both online and in real life, forging friendships that go beyond the virtual realm. From epic adventures to late-night laughter, we’ve experienced it all together.

What We Offer

  • Dedicated Servers: At Grumpy Dogs Gaming, we pride ourselves on our ability to set up dedicated servers for the games we’re currently playing. This means you’ll always have a stable, customized platform to enjoy your favorite titles, all thanks to our skilled server administrators. We also provide our pack members with their own dedicated spaces to enjoy games together.
  • LAN Parties: We believe that there’s no substitute for the thrill of playing in the same room with your friends. Periodically, we host LAN parties for our local members in Northwest Indiana to meet up, connect, and enjoy games together.
  • Discord Community: Stay connected with our community even when you can’t be in the same room. We have an active Discord server where you can chat, coordinate gaming sessions, and build lasting friendships.

Join Our Grumpy Pack

Interested in becoming part of our gaming community? It’s easy! To get an invite, simply contact us, and our friendly admin team will be in touch.

We look forward to gaming with you, making new friends, and sharing unforgettable experiences within the world of Grumpy Dogs Gaming!

Want to stay up to date on our LAN parties and other events? Join our email list!